Just Add Plants

How can people living in apartments or senior living communities grow their own gardens? How can we grow 100% organic produce during the winter? How can we help people breath easier, stress less and be more content? How can we create private, creative spaces at home and in the workplace? The answers can be found in the diverse product line and creativity offered by Carmel-­based Great Growin’s company.

Green up Any Space All-year Round

The desire to improve lives by providing sustainable solutions for growing organic produce year-round motivated Michael and Stephanie Miller to find answers to these questions by embarking on a journey to help people create healthy, vibrant environments inside and outdoors.  “We both have a strong desire to give back and provide solutions to better the lives of others,” says Michael. “When you consider the harmful effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and commercial pesticides, as well as increasingly limited growing space, adding plants to interior and exterior walls and having the ability to garden year-round are simple and vitally important ways to advance a self-­sufficient, robust lifestyle.”

Breath easy – we do all the work for you!

BEFORE – A Blank Boring Space!

AFTER – A beautiful piece of living artwork!Great Growin’s, LLC, designs, installs and maintains vertical gardens, living walls, green privacy fences and greenhouses. They specialize in converting blank spaces to warm, inviting places.No section of your apartment, office, home or yard is too small or too large to fill with the bountiful benefits of thriving plant decor or a vegetable garden. From the inside out, Great Growin’s has you completely vined … with ivy, clematis, chocolate vine, passion flower or your plants of choice!


Covering brick, concrete or eyesores with plants, building screens of green, growing your own organic food, and establishing a healthy attitude and way of living has never been so easy and worry-free. For the hearty gardener or person who longs for a peaceful retreat, take a look at our English, geo-thermal and backyard greenhouses.

Brown Thumbs Beware!

Concerned that you don’t have a green thumb? No worries! Anyone can grow edibles, herbs, floralsor foliage-anywhere, anytime and all year long! Plants have power. For those who own, work or live near the influence of living walls, they are sure to experience positive effects on mood, productivity, attitude and outlook on life.Great Growin’s will help you plan your interior or exterior space, create a design that you will love, and installit to your specifications and within your budget. Great Growin’s takes care of the details so you can relax, breathe easy, enjoy and fall in love with the living garden thriving on your wall or growing in your greenhouse.